With so many bloggers and diet websites emerging the advice massively seems to vary on a weekly basis. The internet is a minefield of conflicting information and literally anyone can become a food guru (regardless of qualifications and expertise). However, most people would agree that eliminating processed food can achieve profound effects. I am living testament to that theory because my weight (over 2 years) dropped 24kg and my resting heart rate is around 42.
A few years ago I got diagnosed with Coeliac disease and therefore had to radically change my diet. Initially, I ate gluten free alternatives (bread, pasta etc.) but found these products contained less fibre and more sugar. Therefore, I replaced these with healthier alternatives like nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. In fact, nowadays I eat a huge paleo type (grain free) breakfast that fuels me for the whole day. This was really the catalyst for this article because I wanted to showcase some exceptional hand crafted granola’s available on the market. Here are five micro brands that I would highly recommend.
Paleo Hero
Paleo Hero are a small family owned business that are located in the vibrant city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. At the helm is Mark Lockley is dedicated to healthy living. That is why all of their products contain the finest gluten, dairy, grains, additives and preservative free ingredients. As well as making some phenomenal primal paleo style granolas the company also sell groceries, mixes (bread, pizza, pancake) and delectable snacks. Certainly these energy packed foods will keep you running at optimum levels all day long.
For more information about Paleo Hero visit their website: https://www.paleohero.com.au
Loving Earth
Loving Earth is a popular brand located in the suburb of Scoresby (near Melbourne) Victoria, Australia. The company was founded by dynamic duo Scott Fry and Martha Butler. After a trip to Mexico in 2007 they started producing their own range of raw dairy free chocolate. Rapidly the business expanded and they developed numerous fair trade/sustainable agreements with global producers. Subsequently they introduced many new product lines including the delicious Chocolate Buckinis. This wonderful granola contains nutritious ingredients like activated buckwheat, evaporated coconut nectar, coconut chips, and cacao powder.
For more information about Loving Earth visit their website: https://lovingearth.net
GH Produce
GH Produce is a high quality food and beverage company that is located in Ardross, Western Australia. The business is the brainchild of trained chef Glen Hagger who is a massive advocate of healthy living. That is why he forages where possible and is a huge supporter of local growers. Recently Glen has introduced a range of new products designed for people (like myself) with food allergies. Certainly I was impressed with Gatherer Hunter Granola that is crammed full of tasty ingredients like: organic sultanas, organic coconut chips, Australian almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
For more information about GH Produce visit their website: http://www.ghproduce.com.au
The Bircher Bar
The Bircher Bar is craft food producer situated in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. Originally the company had humble beginnings and began life in 2014 at a local market. However, progressive thinking owner Darcy Ogdon-Nolan has exponentially grown the business within a relatively short space of time. In fact, their fantastic products are now distributed nationwide in cafes, grocers and specialty stores. As well as selling coffee, tea, peanut butter and honey they also sell as range of artisan granola’s. Personally my favourite is their gluten free/paleo Energy Mix which contains a delicate blend of spices, seeds, nuts and dates.
For more information about The Bircher Bar visit their website: https://www.thebircherbar.com.au
Cathedral Cove Naturals
Cathedral Cove Naturals is a craft company located in the picturesque region of Coromandel, New Zealand. The business was established by Hamish Pilkington and his parents in 2005. Over the last 12 years their philosophy has been to manufacture a range of healthy foods using the finest ingredients. They also value the importance of sustainability and use recyclable packaging for a lot of their products. As well as selling a range of mouth watering yoghurts they also make some amazing gluten free granola’s. I was particularly impressed with their ‘Raw Activated Super Cereal’ which contains seeds, nuts, coconut and cacao.
For more information about Cathedral Cove Naturals visit their website: https://eatwellbewell.co.nz